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Your Monarch vacation ownership retreat

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Timeshare ownership is the fastest growing segment of the US tourism and leisure industry. And that’s simply because it is still the best way, the most cost-effective way to take a vacation. It also stops vacation inflation in its tracks, creates family legacies and provides owners with a saleable asset. But things change. Children grow. That treasured condo you purchased five, ten or more years ago isn’t being used anymore. Was it that long ago? Well the US timeshare industry has been around for almost sixty years, so it could be longer.

But Timeshare ownership is real estate, and real estate invariably has value.

Especially if your timeshare villa is a Monarch Grand Vacation property. So let us sell your Monarch time share vacation ownership property. Or defray your costs and rent out your timeshare week when it is unused.

Monarch Grand Timeshare

Our staff has been selling and renting vacation properties for many years. At Timeshare Sales Team we advertise our ads widely through a range of media outlets including the Internet, major national newspapers, PPC campaigns to a targeted audience, and a network of local and trade publications. Tens of thousands of people see our portfolio every month. And they will see your Timeshare property. Because your property needs exposure if you want to sell or rent it out. Exposure to a targeted demographic who take regular vacations. High-income earners who buy holiday homes.

The type of people who would buy a timeshare villa at a Monarch Retreat.

And because Monarch is one of America’s most respected timeshare resort specialists, with sales to date of almost one billion dollars, there is a market for your property

Timeshare Monarch

Monarch locales have been chosen to take advantage of surrounding attractions. Attractions like the world-class golf courses, the theme parks, wine country, beaches and stunning natural beauty of Southern California. The skiing and spectacular scenery of Lake Tahoe. The healthy air and restorative oasis that is Palm Springs. The recently completed Cabo Azul, right on the beach looking out on the Sea of Cortez, in Mexico’s most spectacular and fastest growing resort area. The 24-hour a day heart pumping excitement of Las Vegas, the most popular tourist destination in America. All the villas at Monarch Vacation Club Resorts are well appointed and many, like the Cancun at Las Vegas, are truly stunning pieces of architecture that fully deserve their Interval International five star rating. And that is one of the real advantages of Monarch ownership. You have a high standard of quality and service at all of the Company’s developments.

Monarch, with nine strategically located resorts, is able to offer a owners a range of holiday experiences Monarch Grand Vacation owners can access, through a points exchange system, any one of the Company’s nine holiday resorts. Or exchange points for a week at one of the more than 3700 worldwide resorts in the timeshare banks of Resort Condominiums International (RCI) or Interval International (II). Or save your points for a year or two and go on a three-week tropical cruise. It’s all very simple. You won’t exhaust the alternatives in a lifetime of annual holidays.


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