We promote our portfolio through the Internet, major national newspapers, PPC campaigns to a targeted audience, and a network of local and trade publications. Many thousands of people see our site every month. They’ll see your Timeshare property too.The people who read our ads are a demographic who take vacations in exotic locations. They are high-income earners who buy holiday homes.
But if you’re wondering where to go for your vacation this year, think about renting a fully equipped Maui beachfront condo in a luxury resort for less than you might think.
For a lot less than you’d pay for mainland hotel accommodation with far fewer amenities and decidedly less comfort. Or you can buy a Timeshare condo in Maui, voted the best island retreat in the world, year after year, in multiple travel magazine polls. There are real bargains to be had at one of the many world-class resorts on one of Maui’s many beaches.
You can have the time of your life here and never leave a resort. Most of Maui’s Timeshare resorts front sandy white palm-fringed beaches and nearly all are equipped with every amenity to make your stay a thrill-a-minute whirl of activities. You can swim, sail, snorkel, scuba dive, surf, fish, kayak, body surf, parasail or stroll along the seashore picking up seashells. Or relax and enjoy spas, poolside lounging and sleeping in hammocks strung between coconut palms and while away seven-days doing nothing more strenuous than reading a menu. It’s up to you.
Maui Vacation Timeshares
Maui, the Valley Isle, is famous for the migratory humpback whales that frequent the waters from November ‘til May, breaching, spouting, mating and calving. You will see whales if you come during these months. Many whale-watching tours guarantee you a sighting. Listen to the songs of the great humpbacks as you snorkel the clear waters and reefs surrounding the island. In the evening you can visit the ancient city of Lahaina, considered to be a mini-Waikiki. During the boom of the whaling industry period, this was one of the world’s greatest seaports, able to accommodate 500 ships at anchor. It was a rollicking, frolicking, boisterous good-time town of whalers and sailors. It’s still a good-time town of shops, restaurants, historic sites, art galleries and museums. But remember, this isn’t mainland America. Slow down and enjoy the Polynesian rhythms.

Maui will delight you, whether you want to live it up and be pampered in a five-star resort or hike steep mountain trails of lush tropical vegetation to view other islands in the Hawaiian chain. The sparkling blue water passages between the islands seem to attract the giant migratory humpbacks, so be prepared for the serendipity of a mother and calf breaching in the morning sunlight.