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Fairfield Timeshares


See our Fairfield Resorts Timeshares For Sale

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Timeshare ownership is the fastest growing segment of the US tourism and leisure industry. Simply because it is still the best way, the most cost-effective way to vacation. It also stops vacation inflation in its tracks, creates family legacies and provides owners with a saleable asset. But things change. Children grow. That treasured beach condo you purchased five or ten or more years ago isn’t being used anymore. Was it that long ago? Well the US timeshare industry has been around for almost sixty years, so it could be longer.

But Timeshare ownership is real estate, and real estate invariably has value.

And if your timeshare is a Fairfield Resorts property, there’s a good chance we can find a buyer, or until we do, families to rent your unused vacation retreat.

Fairfield Timeshares

Because Fairfield are America’s biggest timeshare resort specialists, having just passed the 500,000 owners milestone. At over 70 vacation resort destinations throughout North America.

“Reaching 500,000 owners is a tremendous accomplishment, and one we’re all extremely proud of,” said Fairfield Resort’s CEO Franz Hanning. From humble beginnings 40 years ago, in a sales office in a converted gas station in Arkansas, this achievement is testimony to the value for money the Company offers to clients. To become the largest vacation ownership company in the world is to be doing a lot right. That starts with service. And choice. Flexibility. Being market leaders in the development, marketing and sales of not only vacation time share intervals, but a range of innovative travel and leisure products. Such as the introduction in 1991 of a points-based exchange system instead of a fixed week allocation at one resort. That revolutionized the flexibility available to owners and created exciting alternatives that were almost limitless when coupled with the exchange banks of companies like RCI. Golf vacations. Tropical beach-getaways. Ski vacations at the country’s finest locations. Fishing vacations. Health retreats. There is a huge variety available to the Fairfield owner.

If you’re thinking about a vacation right now, or are looking at timeshare ownership. Let Timeshare Sales Team show you why 500,000 people own a retreat in a Fairfield Resort.

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