Timeshare Resale
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How Much Will Your Timeshare Mortgage Cost You?

How Much Will Your Timeshare Mortgage Cost You?

Lets figure out what your timeshare will cost you over the life of your loan. After you answer the questions below, click [Submit] and you will INSTANTLY see the results.

  • Example: I owe $5,000 or maybe $23,000 on my timeshare.

  • Select the interest rate percentage. Example: 10% interest rate.

  • If you pay fees every other year, divide by 2. Example: You pay a $700 yearly fee.

  • Enter a number of years. Example: 5, 10, or 20 (years)

  • Enter a number of times you will go on vacation to your timeshare resort.

  • For example: $700 travel cost, $125 RCI, $100 points program, $25 resort fee, etc.



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