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Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico
Week: Float
Beds: 2 Lockout
Usage: Every Year
For Sale: $125,000 Neg
Rental Price: Make Offer!!

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Club Wyndham in Multi Destination, Multi Destination
Week: Float
Beds: Any
Usage: Every Year
For Sale: $16,940 Neg
For Rent: $1,600 Neg


Timesharing 101 - Basic Timeshare Resale Information

Today’s timeshare vacations provide choice, flexibility and offer a vacation lifestyle experience year after year. Think of it as a shared vacation home in a resort setting. You can return each year or visit another home at some other location.

History of Timeshares, the Co-Ownership of Vacation Property

Timesharing began in the sixties with European families sharing vacation homes and spread to North America in the seventies in the form of 7 day stays at resorts or condominium properties. It came about due to high taxes and the fact that owning an vacation property, which was used once a year, was too expensive for the owner.

For more details, see our selling timeshare process and how it works!

Or here if you need to
rent your timeshare.

So, vacation properties started to have multiple owners, who shared the cost and expenses. This idea transformed into the current timeshare industry. Now, nearly five million families own timeshares worldwide and growth is expected to continue. Many Fortune 500 companies, such as Disney, Four Seasons, Marriott and Hilton have been selling timeshares for years thus providing consumer confidence and an improved product.

Timeshares are an investment into your vacations and your health. In today's fast pace, never ending work days, a 7 day family vacation is a necessity. With a timeshare, you can enjoy luxury resorts and see the world.

Timeshare Terms and Questions

A timeshare has similar features and processes to owning a house or land, although there are different types of timeshare ownerships. Some allow you to buy the property outright, where you get a deed and others might be a lease or based on a point system. However, the same basic concept applies, that a timeshare is a real estate unit of some size that can be bought, sold, or traded.

To learn more about specific terms or get answers for timeshare questions, please see our Timeshare FAQ page.

Selling a Timeshare By Owner

When it comes to selling a timeshare, you will hear all kinds of things on how to do it. Some people say don’t use a real estate agent, don’t pay upfront, or don’t pay for an appraisal. They may even say all you need is a classified ad or that the resort will buy back your property. The bottom line is you must choose a timeshare resale advertising service that works. To get results you must price your property near the market value and get the most exposure to potential buyers as possible.

TS Sales Team provides an advanced online timeshare advertising network that connects sellers with buyers by targeting audiences through Newspaper Advertisements, Search Engine Marketing, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimization and Television. Our highly skilled staff also receives ongoing education designed to improve our ability to serve you. We put ourselves in your shoes and we’re always looking to enhance your experience with our company. You can count on TS Sales Team to get the job done right the first time.

Remember that a fair price, exposure and TS Sales Team are a proven marketing strategy to sell or rent your timeshare by owner. Put our talented and knowledgeable marketing team to work for you today.

Buying a Timeshare By Owner

If you read above about selling a timeshare, you know about buying one. Timeshare resale is just that... a buyer needs a seller. When buying a timeshare, you are purchasing a resort timeshare property or the time ownership of that property. You generally get the same benefits as if you would buy direct from the resort itself. Once you become an owner, you most likely will have maintenance fees.

TS Sales Team provides an online timeshare search where you can find timeshare that match your criteria and budget. You never pay a commission or closing cost for our Platinum Ads. By purchasing through TS Sales Team By Owner program, you’ll save $400 - $700 in closing costs and thousands in commissions.

The whole buying/closing process generally takes three to eight weeks on average to complete.

Renting a Timeshare

Renting a timeshare is the same as buying/selling, except its not permanent. A timeshare renter needs to find an owner willing to offer their property or week. The owner renting out their timeshare can't or chooses not to use their time. In some cases, the owner wants to recover the maintenance fee they paid the resort.

The idea of a timeshare owner renting out their week to a person going on vacation is a benefit to both parties. The owner generates a little cash and the rentee saves lots of money.

TS Sales Team handles the marketing of all rentals and just like buying a timeshare, you can search for timeshare rentals.

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